Thank you for your interest in becoming a Page Street author. We publish young adult (YA) fiction (for ages 12 and up), in all genres, and a variety of nonfiction books in such categories as cooking, sports, science, nature, interior design, crafts, and parenting. We also publish picture books in all genres for ages 4-8 with particular focus on new talent, artist-led narratives, engaging story arcs, and visually driven concepts. We do not publish board books, early readers, chapter books, or middle grade at this time.
Potential authors, please send your work using the guidelines outlined below. Due to the high volume of submissions, we respond only to authors whose work we want to consider for publication. We'll review your work as quickly as possible; however, it could take us 2-3 months to respond. Please understand that we aren't in a position to give updates on your submissions. We apologize that we will not be able to respond to emails or calls. Please do email us if you have received an offer for your book and would like to rescind your submission.
Young Adult Fiction
Please include a query (1 page) with the first three chapters of your manuscript in the body of your email. Your query must contain: 1) a book synopsis that includes your novel's pitch, word count, and classification (literary, historical, fantasy, mystery, etc); and 2) an author bio that describes your occupation, publishing history, social media presence, and any other relevant information that pertains to your manuscript (including any endorsements, if applicable). If you are represented by an agent or plan to be, please note this in your author bio. All submissions must be edited and proofread. Ideally, your manuscript's length is 60-90K words and your protagonist is 15-18 years old.
Email: yasubmissions@pagestreetpublishing.com with the title of your manuscript in the subject line. If you are an agent, write AGENTED in the subject line as well.
Page Street Publishing Call for YA Proposals from Marginalized Creators
Potential authors interested in submitting their work for consideration should include an author bio, a short synopsis (no more than a page) of their book concept and approach, samples of their work (recipes/projects/writing sample) if applicable, and any notable media hits or press features. If you are represented by an agent or plan to be, please note that they need to be part of the conversation from the start.
Email: submissions@pagestreetpublishing.com with the title of your manuscript in the subject line. If you are an agent, write AGENTED in the subject line as well.
horror Fiction (adult)
Please include your one-page query letter as the body of your email and attach the first three chapters of your manuscript as a PDF or Word document. Your query must contain:
A book synopsis that includes your novel’s pitch (or logline) and word count.
An author bio that describes your occupation, publishing history, social media presence, and any other relevant info that pertains to your manuscript (including any endorsements, if applicable). If you are represented by an agent, or plan to be, please note this in your bio.
All submissions must be edited and proofread. Ideally, your manuscript’s length should fall between 50 to 90k words.​
Email: Alexandra Murphy at horrorsubmissions@pagestreetpublishing.com with the title of your manuscript in the subject line. If you are an agent, write AGENTED in the subject line as well. We are particularly interested in hearing from authors from marginalized communities.